Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Brandenburg


10 Treffer
  • 15.04.2015 – 12:29

    CIVIS Medienstiftung

    CIVIS Media Prize 2015: 21 programmes nominated

    Köln (ots) - 21 radio, film, television and online presentations have been nominated for the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and cultural Diversity 2015. A total of 700 programmes from 21 EU countries and Switzerland were entered for the competition. Westdeutsche Rundfunk received four nominations. Two nominations each went to Swiss Radio and ...

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  • 22.08.2013 – 10:07


    Helaba achieves significant improvement in first half of 2013

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Group earnings grow by more than 18 per cent - Buoyant new business volume with satisfactory margins - Outlook for year cautiously optimistic Helaba, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, continued its upward growth trend in the first half of 2013. It achieved group- wide earnings before taxes of EUR 336 million, surpassing the result of the ...

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  • 22.08.2012 – 08:15


    Helaba continues on positive earnings trajectory in first half of 2012

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Operating customer business and net trading income show satisfactory development - New business grows by ten per cent - Brenner optimistic about full-year results - Helaba takes over function as central bank for savings banks in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg Despite a ...

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