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  • 21.03.2017 – 08:30

    Concept Hotel Solves Productivity Challenges

    MICE Cloud Tool Chosen over Custom Software Manual quoting processes put a strain on meeting providers of any size. They waste valuable staff time. ELEMENTS PURE design hotel realized they had to make a change. Together with their hotel group, Libertas, they considered the options: custom-built MICE software or an automated cloud quoting solution. After ...

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  • 21.03.2017 – 08:30

    Konzept Hotel löst Produktivitätsproblem

    MICE Cloud Tool statt Software-Eigenentwicklung Manuelle Angebotsprozesse belasten Tagungsanbieter jeder Grössenordnung. Sie vergeuden wertvolle Arbeitszeit. Das ELEMENTS PURE Design-Hotel erkannte, dass Abläufe geändert werden müssen. Zusammen mit seiner Hotelgruppe, Libertas, beurteilte es die Alternativen: eine individuell entwickelte MICE Software ...

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  • 31.01.2017 – 08:30

    Automation reduces quoting time for hotels and venues by over 99.9%

    In today's fast-paced business environment, meeting providers that quote within 24 hours are likely to lose sales to automated providers that quote in 24 seconds. In the digital age the expectation of meeting planners has changed: They want instant meeting quotes. Hotels and venues can no longer afford ...

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  • 31.05.2016 – 08:25

    Eventmachine launches first turnkey configurator for automated meeting sales

    Hotels and other venues can now drastically improve their meeting sales with EVENTMACHINE MEETING. Meeting configuration becomes as easy as booking a hotel room online. The configurator runs directly in a hotel's website for a branded, seamless experience. This innovative cloud-based meeting ...

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