Storys zum Thema Elektromobilität
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Another step towards electrified aviation: CustomCells enters cooperation with VÆRIDION
mehrKREISEL Electric honored with Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award
Rainbach im Mühlkreis (ots) - KREISEL Electric, a pioneering battery technology solution provider, has been honored with the prestigious 2023 Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award in the EV battery industry. This esteemed recognition highlights the companies’ exceptional contributions to the advancement of electric mobility and its remarkable ...
mehrGreen Energy Provider CHINT Showcases Solution Capabilities at Intersolar-Power2Drive Exhibition 2023
mehrCircontrol improves the user experience of its chargers and introduces a new public charging solution
mehrCustomcells launches development partnership with OneD
P3 Charging Index / Report: Long distance suitability of electric vehicles based on energy consumption and charging curves
Sacramento, CA (ots) - The P3 Charging Index (P3CI) was created by international consulting firm P3 in 2019 to compare the ‘actual’ charging speed of electric vehicles. Over the past years, it has established itself as an independent standardization in the German and European EV market. This year, the team ...
mehrFIMER confirms its presence at “The Smarter E Europe” with new solutions for the photovoltaic and e-mobility sectors
mehrProtecting eMobility and EV Charging Infrastructure from Cybersecurity Attacks
mehrXCHARGE showcases ultra-fast DC Charger C7 and revolutionary battery-integrated Net Zero Series
mehrBelgian SaaS company Optimile is set to present its Charging as a Service (CaaS) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms at the highly anticipated Power2Drive event in Munich
Germany to Invest Billions, Cut Bureaucracy in Transportation Projects
Berlin (ots) - After marathon negotiations, Germany’s government coalition has agreed to massive investments and streamlined permit procedures for transportation infrastructure. Representatives from the three parties that make up the German government – the center-left Social Democrats, the environmentalist Greens and the business-friendly Free Democrats – have ...
mehrFocus on technological progress and sustainable future / Bertrandt launches new brand identity
mehrElatec at embedded world / Universal readers
mehr“Electric State of Mind”: New ways of thinking with the Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé
mehrVACUUMSCHMELZE (VAC) Announces Binding Supply Agreement with General Motors (GM) to Support EV Growth
mehrAt a glance: Intelligent UX in the Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé improves ergonomics
Technology in disguise: Aiways MAS impresses with high-quality components
mehrAdvantages through good partnerships: Aiways links direct sales with stationary retailing
mehrPerfect harmony: design and aerodynamics of the Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé
mehrCUSTOMCELLS publishes future theses for Germany's battery industry
mehrThe in-house developed powertrain of the Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé sets new benchmarks
mehrFinal European testing: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé on last test drives on European roads
World EV Day: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé makes its debut
mehrFor families, vacation and sport: Aiways U5 SUV with unrivaled spaciousness
mehrMEYLE engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem / Hamburg engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem and develop technically enhanced control arm for Tesla 3 and Tesla Y
mehrSuccess story: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé breaks order record in China
mehrTechnical advantage: Aiways U5 SUV with innovative lightweight design
mehrUnlimited freedom: Aiways U5 SUV becomes a sustainable microcamper with roof tent