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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)

  • 08.09.2023 – 13:52

    GBA: Indictment Filed on Counts of Suspected Treason

    Karlsruhe (ots) - On 24 August 2023, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against the German nationals Carsten L. and Arthur E. before the State Security Chamber of the Berlin Court of Appeals. There are sufficient reasons to suspect the accused of two counts of joint perpetration of especially serious treason (section 94 para. 1 no. 1, para. 2 sentence 2 nos. 1 and 2, section 25 para. 2 of the German ...

  • 08.09.2023 – 13:49

    GBA: Anklage wegen mutmaßlichem Landesverrat erhoben

    Karlsruhe (ots) - Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat am 24. August 2023 vor dem Staatsschutzsenat des Kammergerichts in Berlin Anklage gegen die deutschen Staatsangehörigen Carsten L. und Arthur E. erhoben. Die Angeschuldigten sind hinreichend verdächtig, mittäterschaftlich in zwei Fällen - besonders schweren - Landesverrat begangen zu haben (§ 94 Abs. 1 Nr. 1, Abs. 2 Satz 2 Nr. 1 und 2, § 25 Abs. 2 StGB). In der ...

  • 07.09.2023 – 12:01

    GBA: Two Suspected Members of the Foreign Terrorist Organisation 'Liwa Jund al Rahman' Arrested

    Karlsruhe (ots) - In execution of arrest warrants issued by the investigating judge at the Federal Court of Justice, the Syrian nationals Amer A. and Basel O. were arrested in Kiel and Munich yesterday (6 September 2023) at the behest of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office. In this context, the suspects' premises were searched as well. The Federal Criminal Police ...